I’ve been writing and editing academic manuscripts for more than 30 years, gaining practical experience working with academics and scholars from the US and all around the world. I earned a master’s degree in Applied Linguistics in 2008 as part of a 10-year career teaching general and academic English to undergrad and graduate students. While teaching part-time, I began editing for academic writers from a wide spectrum of disciplines, including the humanities, sciences, and social sciences. I’ve also worked with dozens of nursing and education professionals on their dissertations and journal articles.
Because of my strong background in academic study (history, philosophy, education, linguistics) and lifelong passion for reading scholarship in these and other fields, I established Help-4-Researchers in my hometown of Philadelphia in 2016. I then refreshed and upgraded my editing skills by completing online editing certificate courses with the University of Chicago and Temple University. In 2019, I completed several courses in academic /nonfiction developmental editing with the Editorial Freelancers Association, to which I belong as a member. I’m also a member of the American Historical Association and subscribe to American Historical Review.
Recently, I decided to change the messaging on this website to reflect my increasing workload of developmental editing projects helping authors sort out the big picture, strengthen their arguments, smooth out their narratives, and get published. I’ve been working with professors and postdocs writing books and journal articles in history, sociology, religious studies, nursing, and education, and also with many nonfiction authors writing in diverse fields, such as spirituality, memoir, philosophy, psychology, self-help, and others.