
Conference and research papers are usually presented in front of an audience of scholars, researchers, and well-educated people. My job as your editor is to ensure the message and your argument is direct, clear, sophisticated, easy to understand, and also easy to read and present. I can help you craft an effective narrative arc of the paper to keep listeners engaged throughout the presentation. Controversial, provocative research needs to retain its power to excite without alienating or tiring your audience. I will work with you to ensure these qualities while also copyediting and proofreading the paper for flawless grammar, word choice, and mechanics.

Essays are most commonly focused on presenting an argument; the writing style is persuasive. So one of our jobs working together on your essay is to develop effective strategies of argumentation. Often essays are modified chapters or sections of your dissertation, journal article, or monograph, but like all recycling of research, the writing has to be revised to fit the particular requirements of the collection of essays being prepared for publication. No matter the starting point, all well-written, well-conceived essays follow a general format: the main topic is introduced including a clear thesis statement, followed by sub-topics, arguments, and evidence that support your thesis along with a strong conclusion. But the format is flexible. The most important consideration is finding a structure that presents your argument most effectively.